Saturday, June 28, 2008

Senor Rickay at Kips Bay: Wanted

I just saw "Wanted" by the russian director Timur Bekmambetov, who also brought us "Night Watch" and "Day Watch". What made those films so special? Well in most part the completely over the top action with loads of even more over the top FX. Also a promising story which in parts was too incomprehensible to follow. Good ol' Timur stays true to the action formula in his latest film - which is based on a comic - starring Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman and James McAvoy (the cool version of Shia Lebeouf). The action is fast and stylized and people will compare it to "The Matrix", of course. Most likely also to "Shootem Up" with Clive Owen which I felt, tried way too hard and therefore failed miserably. What "Wanted" boils down to is this: Stylish action, Angelina Jolie, car chase, stylish action, Special FX, typical average guy must become hero-type badass training scene, Angelina Jolie, generic Story with plotholes and foreseeable twist, somewhat bad endfight. In a nutshell so to speak. McAvoy gives a good performance and shows that he also can carry a blockbuster. Jolie on the other hand seems to have only one facial expression in this film. But her role doesn't really ask for much more either. So is it worth seeing? Yeah it is alright. The action is fast and well shot and there are some scenes which really are quite funny. And "Wanted" does have some amazing action sequences that are jawdropping. Unfortunately, the rest that holds the picture together didn't live up to my expectations.

Where did I go see it? Well pretty much right around the corner where I live: Kips Bay Theater on 2nd Ave.

Larger Map

Actually the theater is a bit further down the northeast part of the road. Right next to a petshop where they have the cutest little kittens. The movie theater isn't bad. The seats are comfortable, the snacks overpriced. The usual so to speak. But the greatest part is, that you don't have assigned seats (unlike in good ol' Germany) and you don't have to endure shitty commercials in the beginning (again, sorry Germany). The show started at 9PM. Lights out, several Trailers (Pineapple Express will rock) and - BAM - Movie starts. Love it.

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