Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Felix & Camera go to White Castle

First off, if you, a guy, have never seen Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, you are to print out the following card and carry it with you at all times. Furthermore you are to show it to everyone you meet. Ever. Until you have seen the movie that is. And watching it in German doesn't count since the German dubbing is horrible.

This morning when I woke up, I heard something. It was this strange voice from deep within calling out to me: "Feeelix, Feeeeeeeeeeelix! Come hither to the Castle of White. The burgers shalleth free thou tastebuds like a shining knight!" Maybe I didn't hear voices after all and instead I was having bowel movement, but I did have a craving for something I knew only one thing could cure: White Castle miniburgers. Lots of them. So I followed the footsteps of Harold & Kumar. It was as if god had shone me a light straight to the door of White Castle at 525 8th Ave. Of course I had to save the moment for all of mankind to see:

The thing with White Castle is that their burgers are very small. Maybe half the size of a MickeyDees cheeseburger. But they only cost little too. So the deal is that you just get a bunch of them. I had a Chicken Italiano, a jalapeno cheeseburger, fries, a double cheeseburger, a regular cheeseburger and some melted cheese for the fries to dip in. And of course a tasty beverage to wash it all down.

But I do have to say, the taste sensation wasn't that much of a sensation. It was quite disappointing. I didn't mind the size of the burgers. I like to get little things with all kinds of different tastes. But the burgers just didn't taste that good. I hate pickles on my burgers. And the cheeseburgers just had too many on them. And not just that, they were big too. Due to the small size of a burger one slice of pickle almost covered the whole beef patty. The meat didn't taste that great either. Tasted too much like frozen meat which, of course, it ultimately is at pretty much every burgerchain but some just taste better. The Chicken Italiano was good though and the fries were decent. But then again, screwing up fries is pretty hard. The jalapeno cheeseburger had some spicy sauce on it to give it a little zest which was OK. Overall the anticipation was better than the sensation itself. On my scale from 1 to 10 where McDonalds is the median with a 5, White Castle gets:

3 out of 10

And although I was still hungry i decided to head for the road. It was funny to see though, that I wasn't the only one going in there because of Harold & Kumar. There were tourists in there too, taking pics with like 15 empty burger boxes to prove to buddies back home that they do know the movie and therefore don't have a very very very small penis.


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here at work, and I am really hungry now. Thanks for the nice story + pics, though.
Please write as often as you can, so my day gets better as long as >>I<< have to stay in Germany :)

Anonymous said...

hey Felix. finde es cool das su siesen blog eingerichtet hast mein englisch ist zwar icht das beste, aber hey wofür gibt übersetzungsmashinen.hoffe man sieht dich bald mal bei GIGA. bis dahin wünsch ich dir alles gute.

P.S.: das mit dem ballon war ja wieder nach typischer Felix rick manier:)))

one man we would never forget Felix Rick^^

He.BaMa said...

Hey Felix. Thanx for the nice Fotos. I realle appreciate what you're doing on this blog.
The idea of rating FF-Stuff like White Castle etc. is very cool.
Butt if you really want some tasty stuff, please visit Wendy's and review it.
But im sure, you know that already.
Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

I hope you gonna checkout more of NYC's Burgerplaces so I really know where to go to, when I'm there... :D

Anonymous said...

Meh... I'm kinda disappointed. Thought White Castle would be way cooler. Darn movies. :)

Anonymous said...

fuck i have a very very very very small penis, but now I know an alternative to make it larger instead of wearing those crappy all day stretchers all day. i only need to watch harold and kumar, WOW thank you so much felix :>

Anonymous said...

Why write you in a little holperig english when we versteh deutsch already as your readers?

Anonymous said...

was it 'bout proving you ain't got a small dick or did you look for the perfect burgers on earth?cuz if you wanna try some good ones you gotta go to wendy's.....yammie!

Kerze said...

Meat is evil.

Derrick said...

If god wouldn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

Anonymous said...

Hi Felix, wollte nur mal sagen, dass dein Blog wirklich intressant ist. Dir scheint es ja gut zu gefallen in NYC, freut mich für dich.

Viel glück in oversea weiterhin.

Wir werden dich bei Giga vermissen!

Anonymous said...

Wie heißts doch so schön.. Die Vegetarier essen meinem Essen das Essen weg!

Wirklich cooler Blog Felix!!

Unknown said...

Oi, that looks very yummy...hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Felix wir brauchen dich wieder bei giga ohne dich ist es voll langweilig aber is doch egal solange du deine buurger hast aber cool das es white castle echt gibt ich leibe den film harald und kuma

Anonymous said...

Probier mal die Burger beim Corner Bistro
kam gerade hier in Deutschland in nem TV-Bericht von VOX. Soll lecker sein, der Burger kostet aber 6.75$

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