Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hot town, summer in the city...

...back of my neck getting dirt and gritty! Seriously, NY gets hot in the summer. And very humid. Today we hit 90˚ fahrenheit (around 32˚ celsius) easily. The concrete of skyscrapervalley radiates heat making you feel like an egg, ready to be scrambled. No wonder since the city is pretty much on the same latitude as Naples in Italy. And because of the heat, the city gets stinky. It is like walking through a fog of different smells. Mostly bad ones. Because as much as this city symbolizes what man can achieve, to me it also symbolizes of how humanity will ultimately fall. Ying & Yang all over baby. Among all the brilliant architecture, money and success lies the stench of trash and poverty while police sirens go off in the far distance, letting you know that bad can strike any second. The subway pulsating underneath the streets like thick red blood through my veins, bringing life into the Big Apple. And I fuckin' love it. Enough of the second rate poetry though. What do I do against the heat? Stay inside, crank up the AC and enjoy a nice cold brewski. At least until darkness falls and the creeps come out to play, because then I become...


Sorry, I just bought tickets for Dark Knight starting next week and I got a little carried away.


Kerze said...

Oh, you should go to a Stephen Lynch gig and shout "Balloonstuckinass- Man" when he sing the song "Super Hero". He will be very pleased ;)

He.BaMa said...

Wonderful poetry you've written.
I really like, how you describe NYC, especialle the pulsating subway underneath the city.
Does it really "turns you on" ?
Im living in a small city by now, so i don't know this feeling.
Would you recommend me to move out,emigrate, to the US and A ?

Anonymous said...

That's creepy... but as we all know thanks to American Dad “Creepy is the New Quirky.” - Staying out of the sun may be an awesome idea. ;)
Guess baloonstuckinass-man has some
very mild superpowers anyway.

Anonymous said...

Funny Dude. Nice to see that you feel good in the USA.

Anonymous said...

WTF balloonstuckinass-man!
sweaping!! go and meet the naked cowboy..and don't forget a pic.. your gonna be a legend!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I did that picture!!

Now that you are in the States and since you don't have any copyright on that picture, I'm going to make use of the American law system and make you pay me a fucking load of money. You dirty dirty dirty thief!


Derrick said...

Well sue me all you want, I ain't got a dime on me. That is like trying get the ocean wet. As soon as you try, the universe will collapse.

Anonymous said...

Oh man! You're so lucky. I also want to watch The Dark Knight next week... but in Germany it will hit the theatres on august 21... that sucks.

Slipknotfreak24 said...

Yo, Dein Arsch hat mir auch schon gefehlt! ;-)